Overwhelmed by a lot of work or don’t know where to start? Have TaskBox shuffle and select tasks for you to do.
We like to keep things simple don’t we? Simplifying our lives makes us less stressed and more productive. Having tasks fed to you one by one allows you to maintain focus on completing just a single task. To top it all off, shuffling makes completing tasks fun and motivating.
TaskBox’s unique algorithm allows weighted shuffling. With priorities set on your tasks, higher priority tasks will have a higher chance of being selected for you to complete first.
Every element and detail of TaskBox is designed to enhance user experience. Minimalistic in design, the app creates zero burden, even goes as far as to lighten up your day.
"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” - Paul J. Meyer
Special thanks to:
- Cole Bemis, for providing the Feather Icons: https://feathericons.com